八美图 (8 Femmes) 简体&法语 YYeTs优化版双语字幕 字幕

八美图 2002

发布时间:2024-03-22 来源:本站编辑
8 femmes
8美千娇(港) / 8美图(台) / 八个女人 / 八美千娇 / 8 Women / Huit femmes
弗朗索瓦·欧容 François Ozon
达尼尔·达黎欧 Danielle Darrieux/凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve/伊莎贝尔·于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert/芬妮·阿尔丹 Fanny Ardant/艾曼纽·贝阿 Emmanuelle Béart/维吉妮·拉朵嫣 Virginie Ledoyen/露迪芬·莎妮 Ludivine Sagnier/Firmine Richard/Dominique Lamure
法国 / 意大利
圣诞节前夕,一个富裕人家正在忙着筹备圣诞。窗外白雪皑皑,屋里迎来了女儿大学归来。一家人沉浸在圣诞前团聚的气氛。 <br />

八美图的剧情介绍,圣诞节前夕,一个富裕人家正在忙着筹备圣诞。窗外白雪皑皑,屋里迎来了女儿大学归来。一家人沉浸在圣诞前团聚的气氛。 <br />   此时,大家以为作为一家之主的父亲还没有睡醒,谁知打开房门一开,他竟死在了睡床上,背后插着一把刀。众人惊慌失措,想报警之时却发现电话线早以被剪断;车已被蓄意破坏,无法开到警局。明显地,凶手就在这8人中间。彼此的猜忌和指控开始了,各人不为人知的秘密一一曝光,伦理道德的颠覆,贪婪自私的本性,令这个圣诞前夕特别混乱。讽刺的是,最后谁是凶手已经不重要了……

One morning at an isolated mansion in the snowy countryside of 1950s France, a family is gathered for the holiday season. But there will be no celebration at all because their beloved patriarch has been murdered! The killer can only be one of the eight women closest to the man of the house. Was it his powerful wife? His spinster sister-in-law? His miserly mother-in-law? Maybe the insolent chambermaid or the loyal housekeeper? Could it possibly have been one of his two young daughters? A surprise visit from the victim's chic sister sends the household into a tizzy, encouraging hysterics, exacerbating rivalries, and encompassing musical interludes. Comedic situations arise with the revelations of dark family secrets. Seduction dances with betrayal. The mystery of the female psyche is revealed. There are eight women and each is a suspect. Each has a motive. Each has a secret. Beautiful, tempestuous, intelligent, sensual, and dangerous...one of them is guilty. Which one is it?

戏里戏外八荣八耻。爱与罪。深不可测 生不可测。关于罗密和德纳芙。《八个女人》电影剧本。女人花。当代另类短片大师奥宗。导演说。揭露人性的丑陋。8 Femmes:七彩斑斓的八美图 编织一场人性骗局。

  • 八美图 (8 Femmes) 简体&amp;法语 YYeTs优化版双语字幕
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