
Baroness Von Sketch Show 2016/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2021-08-02 来源:本站编辑
Baroness Von Sketch Show
Aleysa Young
Carolyn Taylor/Meredith MacNeill/Aurora Browne/Jennifer Whalen
加拿大 Canada

Baroness Von Sketch Show的剧情介绍,

This show, a sketch comedy, has a decidedly female bent. It is written by a primarily female staff, and performed by an all female primary cast (with both female and male supporting players). They tackle a variety of subjects, most dealing with current cultural topics of everyday life, but from a female perspective. Unlike most sketch comedy shows of the day, the sketches in this show are rapid fire in that they are relatively short - none lasting more than approximately five minutes, with most being in the one to two minute range - and are filmed largely on location, rather than on a sound stage or in a studio in front a live audience.



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  • Baroness.Von.Sketch.Show.S04E05.720p.HDTV.x264-TWERK[rartv]
  • TV HD Episodes
  • 428.56MB

  This show, a sketch comedy, has a decidedly female bent. It is written by a primarily female staff, and performed by an all female primary cast (with both female and male supporting players). They tackle a variety of subjects, most dealing with current cultural topics of everyday life, but from a female perspective. Unlike most sketch comedy shows of the day, the sketches in th...
类似I Think You Should Leave With Tim Robinson,但是比Tim Robinson那个好看。Carolyn是个真姬佬,于是这个剧就时不时姬得不行。各种讽刺脑洞,笑死了
