2001[连弹].英字.srt 字幕

连弹 2001

发布时间:2024-02-22 来源:本站编辑
Rendan / 四颗离谱的心 / 四手联弹
竹中直人 Naoto Takenaka
竹中直人 Naoto Takenaka/天海祐希 Yuki Amami/富贵冢桂香 Keika Fukitsuka/蓑輪裕太
中年男子佐佐木正太郎(竹中直人 饰)继承父亲留下的八栋房子,日常靠出租房屋赚取收入,平日里无所事事,相妻教子,俨然一个家庭妇男。与之相对,他的妻子美奈子(天海祐希 饰)则是一个在外辛苦打拼、事业蒸蒸日上的女强人。地位的倒错和不对等导致夫妻间

连弹的剧情介绍,中年男子佐佐木正太郎(竹中直人 饰)继承父亲留下的八栋房子,日常靠出租房屋赚取收入,平日里无所事事,相妻教子,俨然一个家庭妇男。与之相对,他的妻子美奈子(天海祐希 饰)则是一个在外辛苦打拼、事业蒸蒸日上的女强人。地位的倒错和不对等导致夫妻间的战争爆发。他们的婚姻走向崩溃边缘,一双儿女只能默默地注视着这一切…… <br />   本片根据第25回城户赏获奖作品経塚丸雄的小说改编,并荣获2002年蓝丝带最佳女主角奖(天海祐希)、2002年横滨电影节最佳女配角奖(天海祐希)。

Shotaro and Minako are arguing. Minako has confessed her infidelity to her husband and informs him of her intention to leave him. She has ceased to enjoy living with a submissive husband. Minako, who works for a construction company, loves her job and is progressing in her successful career, while her husband eagerly takes care of the house and the kids. He buys groceries, he cooks, he does the laundry - constantly. The couple's arguing intensifies until Minaka files for divorce. Their older daughter Mari isn't that upset by her parent's problems as she's more interested in the piano piece she's got to play with her mother at a concert organized by her music school; admittedly, she's also rather interested in her music teacher. But her younger brother Toru feels betrayed by his mother and can't manage to reconcile himself to his father's role as a housewife. A partial reconciliation occurs at Minako and Mari's concert, where their entrance on stage is met with loud applause.

角 色。生活之重。《连弹》电影剧本。四颗离谱的心。女主的做才是角色应有的鲜活。电影《连弹》观后感。评论四颗离谱的心 連弾。孩子才是最痛苦的。连弹,不是桎梏,而是自由。。生活。

  • 2001[连弹].英字.srt
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