[=^_^=] Rakuen Tsuihou. Expelled from Paradise [BD1080 x264 FLAC].ass 字幕

乐园追放 2014

发布时间:2024-02-19 来源:本站编辑
Rakuen Tsuiho / Expelled From Paradise / 乐园放逐
水岛精二 Seiji Mizushima
钉宫理惠 Rie Kugimiya/三木真一郎 Shinichirô Miki/神谷浩史 Hiroshi Kamiya/林原惠美 Megumi Hayashibara/高山南 Minami Takayama/三石琴乃 Kotono Mitsuishi/稻叶实 Minoru Inaba/江川央生 Hisao Egawa/上村典子 Noriko Uemura/三宅健太 Kenta Miyake/远藤大智 Daichi Endo/安济知佳 Chika Anzai/半田裕典 Yuusuke Handa/荒井聪太 Souta Arai/金本凉辅 Kanemoto Ryousuke/新井良平 Ryouhei Arai/森下由树子 Yukiko Morishita/刘婧荦 Jingluo Liu/野口百合 Noguchi Yuri/小川慎太郎/小池万瑠美/古谷彻 Tôru Furuya

乐园追放的剧情介绍,四百年后的未来,一曾蔚蓝的地球黄沙遍野,自然环境极度恶劣。与之相伴,旧有的人类文明凋零殆尽,早先绝大多数幸存者迁往靠近地球的外太空,在名为迪瓦的设施中安顿下来。他们抛弃肉体,将自己的精神和灵魂投入迪瓦所构建的虚拟空间中,尽情享受没有丝毫痛苦的快乐。但是自称弗隆提亚·赛塔(神谷浩史 配音)的骇客让维护迪瓦网络安全的中央保安局坐立不安,为了彻底揪出这个神秘敌人,保安局派出三等官安吉拉•巴尔扎克(钉宫理惠 配音)回到地球调查。操纵先进机甲的安吉拉率先打败蜂拥而至的沙地巨虫,随后和前来接应的丁格(三木真一郎 配音)见面。两个性格全然不同的搭档一同上路,来到了弗隆提亚可能藏身的杰德小镇。 <br />   安吉拉在那里得知令人惊讶的事实,而她曾经所坚持的信念也开始动摇……

With Earth now left in ruins following the "Nano Hazard," most of humanity has abandoned the planet they once called home along with their physical bodies and rebuilt their digitalized minds into a society within the cyber universe of "DEVA." A.D. 2400, DEVA's central council detects an incident of unauthorized access into their mainframe. Someone on Earth was trying to hack into the system. The only information DEVA was able to retrieve was that the hacker referred to themselves as "Frontier Setter." To investigate the mysterious hacker's motives, the high officials of DEVA dispatch System Security Third Officer Angela Balzac to the Earth's surface. Equipped with a prosthetic "material body," Angela attempts to make contact with a local agent Dingo, but what awaited her instead was a swarm of Sandworms now infesting the Earth's surface. Angela intercepts the gruesome pests with her exoskeletal powered suit Arhan. Will Angela and Dingo be able to find Frontier Setter on this devastated planet? Their journey to explore the secrets of the world will begin now...!

这个片真是太黄了。當思考的權利成了一樁交易。小议乐园。最后的人类。设定很不错 剧本拖后腿。一个关于选择的问题。乐园和冲突。反权威的无政府主义科幻作品。关于本片的一些设定上的漏洞和探讨。撇開ロボット和もえもえ不談。

  • [=^_^=] Rakuen Tsuihou. Expelled from Paradise [BD1080 x264 FLAC].ass
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