Pineapple.Express.2008.1080p.BluRay.x264.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-SWTYBLZ.简体.srt 字幕

菠萝快车 2008

发布时间:2018-01-18 来源:本站编辑
Pineapple Express
菠萝快递 / 菠萝特快
David Gordon Green
塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen/詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco/丹尼·麦克布耐德 Danny McBride/凯文·考利甘 Kevin Corrigan/克雷格·罗宾森 Craig Robinson/盖瑞·科尔 Gary Cole/罗西·培瑞兹 Rosie Perez/小艾德·博格里 Ed Begley Jr./诺拉·邓恩 Nora Dunn/安布尔·赫德 Amber Heard/乔·洛·特鲁格里奥 Joe Lo Truglio/亚瑟·纳平泰克 Arthur Napiontek/克利奥·金 Cleo King/比尔·哈德尔 Bill Hader/詹姆斯·瑞马尔 James Remar
英语 / 粤语 / 韩语
戴尔(塞斯•罗根 Seth Rogen 饰)有一份令自己和别人都生厌的工作——传票递送员,高中生女友安吉的帅气男同学们又时时令戴尔如坐针毡,于是抽大麻成了他最好的寄托甚至是信仰。戴尔定期在小混混索尔(詹姆斯•弗兰科 James Franco

菠萝快车的剧情介绍,戴尔(塞斯•罗根 Seth Rogen 饰)有一份令自己和别人都生厌的工作——传票递送员,高中生女友安吉的帅气男同学们又时时令戴尔如坐针毡,于是抽大麻成了他最好的寄托甚至是信仰。戴尔定期在小混混索尔(詹姆斯•弗兰科 James Franco 饰)的家中购买大麻,索尔视其为朋友,推销给他最好的大麻“菠萝快车”,可戴尔只拿对方当做比自己更失败的落寞者。当晚戴尔偶然撞见当地大毒贩瑞德和一名女警联手杀人,慌不择路逃跑的戴尔将菠萝快车这种罕见大麻遗落在现场,担心被瑞德杀人灭口的戴尔和索尔只得选择逃亡,但他们谨慎又笨拙的隐匿方式只是将更多人卷入这场风波,而逃避性格的两人,在这次事件中渐渐学会正视自己的弱点……

Lazy court-process clerk and stoner Dale Denton has only one reason to visit his equally lazy dealer Saul Silver: to purchase weed, specifically, a rare new strain called Pineapple Express. But when Dale becomes the only witness to a murder by a crooked cop and the city's most dangerous drug lord, he panics and dumps his roach of Pineapple Express at the scene. Dale now has another reason to visit Saul: to find out if the weed is so rare that it can be traced back to him--and it is. As Dale and Saul run for their lives, they quickly discover that they're not suffering from weed-fueled paranoia: incredibly, the bad guys really are hot on their trail and trying to figure out the fastest way to kill them both. All aboard the Pineapple Express.

菠萝快车:扬起屎尿屁的大旗。相当粗俗!。猥琐男们的卡通片。Love and Peace, man. Love and Peace.....。lsd和大麻。我要飞飞啊 之 菠萝快车。好好看。恶哈哈哈哈哈哈。从菠萝快车到不怎么红的James Franco。Gay味彌漫。

  • Pineapple.Express.2008.1080p.BluRay.x264.TrueHD.7.1.Atmos-SWTYBLZ.简体.srt
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