The.Karate.Kid.1984.1080p.BluRay.x264.YIFY 字幕

龙威小子 1984

发布时间:2017-01-27 来源:本站编辑
The Karate Kid
小子难缠 / 空手道少年
约翰·G·艾维尔森 John G. Avildsen
拉尔夫·马奇奥 Ralph Macchio/森田则之 Pat Morita/伊丽莎白·苏 Elisabeth Shue/马丁·科夫 Martin Kove/Randee Heller
英语 / 日语
新泽西少年丹尼尔(Ralph Macchio 饰)随母亲一起搬到了加利福尼亚的公寓中,母亲面对新生活踌躇满志,少年天性的丹尼尔也很快爱上了加利福尼亚温暖的沙滩,在那里,丹尼尔遇到了金发小美女艾丽(伊丽莎白·苏 Elisabeth Shue

龙威小子的剧情介绍,新泽西少年丹尼尔(Ralph Macchio 饰)随母亲一起搬到了加利福尼亚的公寓中,母亲面对新生活踌躇满志,少年天性的丹尼尔也很快爱上了加利福尼亚温暖的沙滩,在那里,丹尼尔遇到了金发小美女艾丽(伊丽莎白·苏 Elisabeth Shue 饰)。想要接近艾丽的丹尼尔被姑娘的前男友强尼用空手道狠狠的教训,同样对空手道颇有兴趣的丹尼尔自尊受伤,但是仍未放弃和艾丽的交往,这激起了强尼和一干朋友们对丹尼尔长期的欺侮。万圣节舞会之夜,丹尼尔再次被强尼等人追打,丹尼尔居住的公寓中的维修工宫城(森田则之 Pat Morita 饰)先生及时出现,用空手道击退了强尼。宫城决定用两个月时间训练丹尼尔,令他可以击败强尼并领悟空手道的真谛……

Daniel and his mother move from New Jersey to California. She has a wonderful new job, but Daniel quickly discovers that a dark haired Italian boy with a Jersey accent doesn't fit into the blond surfer crowd. Daniel manages to talk his way out of some fights, but he is finally cornered by several who belong to the same karate school. As Daniel is passing out from the beating he sees Miyagi, the elderly gardener leaps into the fray and save him by outfighting half a dozen teenagers. Miyagi and Daniel soon find out the real motivator behind the boys' violent attitude in the form of their karate teacher. Miyagi promises to teach Daniel karate and arranges a fight at the all-valley tournament some months off. When his training begins, Daniel doesn't understand what he is being shown. Miyagi seems more interested in having Daniel paint fences and wax cars than teaching him Karate.

不被时间淘汰的励志片。学会是为了不会。主要是Peter Cetera最后唱的那首歌。小学一年级的时候看的影片,现在再看一遍泪流满面。1984年的老电影,还是不错的。用现在眼光看太多套路了。空手道比赛/人生成功方程式=纯洁心性+朴素哲学+刻苦训练。不错的电影。经典只是不做作。

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