
威士忌、探戈、狐步舞 2016/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
探戈,战地,威士忌(台) / 威士忌,探戈,狐步舞 / 美国记姐 / 塔利班洗牌 / The Taliban Shuffle / Fun House / WTF
该片改编自曾前往阿富汗的前《芝加哥论坛报》记者Kim Barker(蒂娜·菲饰)的自传《混乱塔利班》,潮爷饰演一名与Barker共享战地时光的摄影记者。

威士忌、探戈、狐步舞的剧情介绍,该片改编自曾前往阿富汗的前《芝加哥论坛报》记者Kim Barker(蒂娜·菲饰)的自传《混乱塔利班》,潮爷饰演一名与Barker共享战地时光的摄影记者。

2003. After careful consideration, Kim Baker, a news copywriter, decides to leave the relative comfort of a New York desk job and serious boyfriend Chris to accept the assignment to work for three months as on-camera reporter in war torn Afghanistan, as her news agency is looking for anyone within their ranks to fill immediately the empty voids overseas. Her only experience of being in such an environment is going through hostile zone training a few years earlier. Immediately upon her arrival in Afghanistan, she realizes that she is ill-prepared emotionally for this assignment, not only enduring the dangers of the war itself, but also the conditions of everyday life, including largely been seen by men as only a "piece of ass" and a distraction despite her being considered average looking back home and not being overtly sexual, and being an individual with a small bladder who is nonetheless told to stay hydrated at all times. She is largely assisted in navigating this new life by Tanya Vanderpoel, a fellow female western correspondent, and Fahim Ahmadzai, her Afghan translator guide. As time goes on, Kim finds that she not only may have a specific and important voice within the press corps, but that she may be losing touch with her life back in the States for good or bad. In addition, she will have to decide how much she is willing to risk, not only for herself but that for her colleagues, to get that next important story. She also has to figure out how much of what she does truly is her, and how much is being as she and the other western press corps members state is being in the "Kabubble". What may also affect her life is how much the war in Afghanistan is overtaken by other world events for which the American public is wanting information, and thus if Afghanistan has a specific time span in her life regardless of how much she may want to stay to tell what she sees as its important stories.




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[BT下载]威士忌 探戈 狐步舞[DIY简繁]2016 1080p Blu-ray AVC DTS-HD MA 7 1-HDSky 42GB
  • Whiskey.Tango.Foxtrot.2016.1080p.Blu-ray.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.7.1-DIY@HDSky[xiepp.cc]
  • Remux/1080
  • 42.58GB

片子里的喀布尔几乎是个隔绝于世的气泡,记者们逃离日复一日的都市生活来到这里醉生梦死混日子,但很快又因为各种各样的原因感到窒息,又想再次逃离。摒弃了战地电影的圣母脸,反而轻松流畅地叙述,也并不吝惜可爱的笑点,结尾超级温馨感人!Christopher Abbott小天使♥
Whiskey Tango Fox 三个单词的第一大写字母连起来就是WTF[哈哈]女主可爱到爆炸,强烈推荐[good]
