
我们这样的人 2012/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2021-03-10 来源:本站编辑
People Like Us
平凡人生(台) / 天降美姐 / 天上掉下个姐姐 / Welcome to People
艾里克斯·库兹曼 Alex Kurtzman
克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine/伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks/麦克·霍·迪阿达李奥 Michael Hall D'Addario/米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer/奥利维亚·王尔德 Olivia Wilde/马克·杜普拉斯 Mark Duplass/菲利浦·贝克·霍尔 Philip Baker Hall/芭芭拉·伊芙·哈里斯 Barbara Eve Harris/德文·布洛楚 Devin Brochu/Abhi Sinha/乔恩·费儒 Jon Favreau
和大部分这个时代的年轻人一样,经济上的不宽裕令山姆(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)感到无处施展拳脚,就在一筹莫展之际,鲜少联系的父亲的过世给了他新的希望。原来,山姆的父亲是一位著名的唱片制作人,他的死意味着山姆即将得到他数量庞大的

我们这样的人的剧情介绍,和大部分这个时代的年轻人一样,经济上的不宽裕令山姆(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)感到无处施展拳脚,就在一筹莫展之际,鲜少联系的父亲的过世给了他新的希望。原来,山姆的父亲是一位著名的唱片制作人,他的死意味着山姆即将得到他数量庞大的遗产。可是,令山姆无法理解的是,根据父亲的遗嘱,他必须分15万美金给他未曾谋面的姐姐弗兰基(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)。 <br />   为了得到全部的遗产,山姆决定以假身份偷偷接近弗兰基以搜集不利于她的证据。没想到,在相处的过程中,弗兰基的善良和正直渐渐的感动了山姆,在弗兰基的身上,山姆找到了久违的亲人般的温暖。

Workaholic and sleazy businessman Sam is extremely reluctant to leave New York and go to his father's funeral. When he finally arrives, it becomes apparent that his mother and girlfriend are disappointed in him for "running away" whenever times get too emotional. Soon afterwards, he discovers that his father was sleeping around with another woman, and that Sam actually has a half-sister whom he never knew existed. His father has willed her $150,000 and has left Sam with the task of getting it to her. Frankie is a bartender also wrapped up in work just like her half-brother, and she has had a bad past and has now been left with the job of being a single parent to her troublemaker son, Josh. Josh is eleven years old but curses like a sailor and constantly makes fart jokes and sex jokes, making him popular with the bad kid crowd at school, although behind the act, Josh is depressed and lonely. Now Sam has to find a way to fix the past and reunite his mom, nephew and half-sister together at last, but it won't be easy.

People Like Us。Lean into it。凡人歌。《我们这样的人》:血浓于水的无敌亲情。直接上插曲《We Don&#39;t Eat》歌词吧。天上掉下个姐姐?。people like us人生准则。我和我爸爸的女儿。他妈是小三。他妈是小三。



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  • 我们这样的人people.like.us.2012.tw.bluray.1080p.aac.x264-中文字幕.mkv
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