Big Stan (2007) DD5.1 NL Subs retail TBS

狱中豪杰 2007/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
Big Stan
猛男奸狱 / 逼坐断背监
Rob Schneider
罗伯·施奈德 Rob Schneider/大卫·卡拉丁 David Carradine/詹妮弗·莫里森 Jennifer Morrison/斯科特·威尔森 Scott Wilson/理查德·坎德 Richard Kind/莎莉·柯克兰德 Sally Kirkland/M·埃梅特·沃尔什 M. Emmet Walsh/亨利·吉布森 Henry Gibson/杰克逊·拉斯波恩 Jackson Rathbone/凯文·盖奇 Kevin Gage/波布·萨普 Bob Sapp/布兰登·T·杰克逊 Brandon T. Jackson/丹·哈格蒂 Dan Haggerty/理查德·里尔 Richard Riehle/玛西娅·华莱士 Marcia Wallace/萨尔瓦托雷·哈雷布 Salvator Xuereb/兰迪·库卓 Randy Couture/唐·弗莱 Don Frye/布兰顿·莫拉勒 Brandon Molale/西蒙·瑞 Simon Rhee/伊鲁山度 Dan Inosanto/费德里克·多尔德 Federico Dordei/奥立薇娅·玛恩 Olivia Munn
居住在洛杉矶的斯坦·明顿(罗伯·施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰)是一名巧舌如簧、事业有成的房地产商人。他张狂无度,满嘴大话,最终不可避免地卷入一场诈骗案,面临着为期3年的牢狱之灾,而他所去的正是一所臭名昭著、以暴力著称的监狱。不过在

狱中豪杰的剧情介绍,居住在洛杉矶的斯坦·明顿(罗伯·施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰)是一名巧舌如簧、事业有成的房地产商人。他张狂无度,满嘴大话,最终不可避免地卷入一场诈骗案,面临着为期3年的牢狱之灾,而他所去的正是一所臭名昭著、以暴力著称的监狱。不过在此之前,斯坦还有6个月的自由时间。本来心情无比烦躁,还和女友敏迪(珍妮弗·莫瑞森 Jennifer Morrison 饰)闹出不快。为了防止在狱中被人强暴,斯坦开始拜师访友,修炼武功,期间更得到一名神秘武师(大卫·卡拉丁 David Carradine 饰)的指导。 <br />   六个月时间转瞬即逝,斯坦终于迎来服刑的重要时刻。他将成为人人得而上之的公共汽车?还是打遍监狱无敌手的风云人物?答案即将揭晓……

The fraudulent real state agent Stan is married with his beloved Mindy and has a seven million dollar fortune. When he is arrested for fraud, he is sentenced to three years in prison and his assets are frozen by the justice. However, his crooked lawyer Lew Popper negotiates a six month freedom, and the weak Stan, who is afraid of being raped in prison, hires the specialist in martial arts The Master to teach him self-defense. Six months later, Big Stan is sent to the Oaksburgh State Penitentiary totally confident in his expertise in martial arts. He challenges the violent leaders of the gangs and defeats them, being respected by the inmates and bringing peace in the patio. However, the dirty Warden Gasque has the intention of transforming the penitentiary in a luxury resort, and uses Big Stan knowledge to improve his project, promising to release him sooner using the corrupt penal system.

大腕好多!!。最坏的打算,最好的结果。让弱者成为一名BIG Stan。监狱狂想,与白日梦。。看得人很开心的一部电影。Big Stan。轻松有趣的佳片。剧情不太行。功夫耍宝外国佬。保卫菊花记。



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  • Big Stan (2007) DD5.1 NL Subs retail TBS
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  • 3.94GB