Cafe de flore [BluRayRip][AC3 Español Castellano][2012]

花神咖啡馆 2011/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
Café de flore
2011-09-02(威尼斯电影节) / 2011-11-18(加拿大)
加拿大 / 法国
电影由两个短片组成。 <br />   故事发生在蒙特利尔,安东尼(Kevin Parent 饰)是一名DJ

花神咖啡馆的剧情介绍,电影由两个短片组成。 <br />   故事发生在蒙特利尔,安东尼(Kevin Parent 饰)是一名DJ,在事业经营得风生水起的同时,他的感情生活却是一团乱麻。罗斯(伊夫林·布洛初 Evelyne Brochu 饰)是安东尼的新爱人,与此同时,安东尼和旧爱卡罗琳(Hélène Florent 饰)之间却依然藕断丝连。每日,安东尼觉得自己犹如走在一座独木桥之上,稍稍失足,等待他的就是无尽的深渊。 <br />   镜头转向1969年的巴黎,杰奎琳(凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 Vanessa Paradis 饰)和患有唐氏综合症的儿子相依为命,长久以来,杰奎琳牺牲了自己的一切,只希望儿子能够拥有一段短暂但快乐的人生。然而,对于杰奎琳的儿子来说,母亲所构筑的世界早已无法满足他的好奇心和求知欲了,他更加向往的,是外面真正的世界。

A love story about people separated by time and place but connected in profound and mysterious ways. Atmospheric, fantastical, tragic and hopeful, the film chronicles the parallel fates of Jacqueline, a young mother with a disabled son in 1960s Paris, and Antoine, a recently divorced, successful DJ in present day Montreal. What binds the two stories together is love - euphoric, obsessive, tragic, youthful, timeless love. In 1960s Paris, a working class woman gives birth to her first child, Laurent - a Down Syndrome son. Undaunted she embraces the challenge of raising her beloved offspring as normally as one would any other child. Her husband abandons them both. She bravely brushes this additional hiccup aside as Laurent replaces her spouse as the perfect man of her dreams. As Laurent approaches school age Jacqueline's aplomb becomes obsessive and cloying. Her increasingly self-destructive attachment to her son is raised to a fever pitch when, at the age of seven, he meets a Down Syndrome girl (Véronique) and experiences his first crush. His sudden desire for independence, and his attraction to Véra, are the catalysts that transform Jacqueline from a loving mother into something resembling a lover scorned. What emerges is a love triangle of potentially tragic proportions. In 21st century Montreal, a forty year old divorcée, Carole, is trying to restart her life after her divorce, two years earlier, from Antoine, a devastatingly handsome, successful touring DJ. Soul mates who've been a couple since the age of fifteen, their divorce is a schism that might prove impossible for either of them to put in the past. Making the transition even more difficult for Carole is the fact that her two daughters, one teen, one tween, are about to gain a stepmother, a stunningly beautiful, heartbreaking blonde, a woman about to "steal" away the perfect man of her dreams. The young girls are being cruelly pulled in two different directions, Antoine's father, a recovering alcoholic, seems to side with his ex-daughter-in-law, and Carole is succumbing to fits of depression and potentially dangerous bouts of sleepwalking. What emerges is a love triangle of potentially tragic proportions.

《花神咖啡馆》没看明白的请进!这部电影个人感觉史无前例。《花神咖啡馆》:自圆其说的解脱。If we&#39;re not reunited in this life, then in another.。关于影片的逻辑。匪夷所思的爱情 —— 《花神咖啡馆》影评(二)。特么的爆烂啊!!。匪夷所思的爱情 —— 《花神咖啡馆》影评(三)。真相与前生今世无关。半梦半醒,两世一生。《花神咖啡馆》:生生世世,你信么?。



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  • Cafe de flore [BluRayRip][AC3 Español Castellano][2012]
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    Cafe de flore [BluRayRip][AC3 Español Castellano][2012]


镜头影像很美 配乐也很不错 其中还听到了自己喜欢的好几首 演员也比较到位 Vanessa很卖力 虽然两个故事用一张结尾的照片联系起来有些牵强 倒是觉得时空上有微妙的联系 大概导演意在说明 深爱与放手 还有一个小时 安心考试吧
