Mechanic Resurrection 2016 720p Bluray Dual Audio Hin- KartiKing

机械师2:复活 2016/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2017-04-23 来源:本站编辑
Mechanic: Resurrection
秒速杀机2(港) / 极速秒杀2(台) / 机械师2 / Mechanic 2
2016-10-21(中国大陆) / 2016-08-26(美国)
英语 / 葡萄牙语 / 泰语 / 保加利亚语
美国 / 法国 / 保加利亚 / 德国


Arthur Bishop, the master assassin who faked his death in hopes of putting that part of his ;life behind him, now lives a quiet life in Rio. But someone who knows who he is shows up and tells him, that if he wants to continue living this life, he will do three jobs for someone. Bishop tries to tell them he has the wrong man but they know who he is and if he won't do the job, they will take him but he gets away. He then goes to a resort in Thailand run by a friend, Mae, where he tries to find out who is looking for him. Later a woman named Gina shows up looking for medical assistance and Mae can't help but notice bruises all over her body. Mae deduces she's a battered woman and when Mae hears her being beaten, Mae asks Bishop to help her. He goes and kills the guy she's with. He kills the man and then sets fire to the boat he's on. But he sees that Gina has a photo of him. He deduces that they one who wants him, sent her. He confronts her and she admits that she works at a children's shelter in Cambodia and that someone told her if she didn't do what he said, the children would be endanger. While waiting for the man to come, they get close. And when the man's people comes, they grab them. Bishop is brought to the man who wants him to do the jobs and he tells Bishop that if he doesn't do it, Gina will be killed. So Bishop has no choice but to do it.

机械师2:腐烂的吴克和大波浪。为了看懂郭达的新片,我复习了十集《春晚》。机械师中不合理的六个齿轮。套路平庸 的续集。看这部电影竟然没有睡着呢-.-。肾上腺素飙不起来的硬汉电影。看完后,感觉自己就是个智障。才华都套路丢了。至少是杰森斯坦森,我要去贡献一点票房。太烂了~~~~。



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  • Mechanic Resurrection 2016 720p Bluray Dual Audio Hin- KartiKing
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    Mechanic Resurrection (2016) 720p Bluray Dual Audio Org [Hindi 5.1 - English 5.1] - KartiKing

  • Sample - KartiKing.mkv(11.60 MB)
  • Mechanic Resurrection (2016) 720p Bluray Dual Audio Org [Hindi 5.1 - English 5.1] - KartiKing.mkv(1.02 GB)

  系列电影《机械师》第一部中,假装死亡的顶级杀手亚瑟(杰森·斯坦森饰)金盆洗手,过着普通人平静的生活。在一桩看似意外的事件中,亚瑟的红颜知己梅(杨紫琼饰)请求亚瑟解救屡屡遭人毒打的神秘女子吉娜(杰西卡·阿尔芭饰),哪料,向来对爱情有免疫的亚瑟,竟与吉娜坠入了爱河,然而他平静的生活也因此被打破。   五年远离是非的生活风平浪静,亚瑟以为自己已经和过去的杀手生涯告别,然而宿命难敌,竟然有人暗中盯上了他,亚瑟的身世之谜也浮出水面。原来,他年幼时和一群孩子被军火商抓去,训练他们玩枪、杀人,难以忍受的亚瑟从军火商手中逃脱,而他的一位小伙伴长大后却成了军火商的接班人,也是影片中的最大反派。   这位反派找到了亚瑟,并绑架了他的挚爱吉娜,要挟他去刺杀三个世界上头号危险人物。为了他和他的爱人能够逃脱,亚瑟被迫再度从事刺客工作,他必须在有限的时间内完成一系列不可能的刺杀任务。   ...
这俩人难道不是ons而已吗 又不是爱的那么深那么认真 为什么死都要救她
