O Cliente 1994 Dublado Legendado Dual Audio PT- IN

委托人 1994/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2017-04-17 来源:本站编辑
The Client
惊窥 / 终极证人 / 致命内幕
马克(布拉德·兰弗洛 Brad Renfro 饰)是一名11岁的少年,一日,年幼的他目睹了一个男人自杀的全过程,在死前,男人告诉了马克一个惊天秘密。受惊的马克随即接受了警方的盘问,但对于那个不能说的秘密,马克选择了守口如瓶。可即便如此,马克

◎导演◎ Joel Schumacher

◎编剧◎ Akiva Goldsman/Robert Getchell

◎主演◎ Brad Renfro / Susan Sarandon / Tommy Lee Jones / Mary-Louise Parker / Anthony LaPaglia / William H. Macy / J.T. Walsh / Anthony Edwards / Ossie Davis

委托人的剧情介绍,马克(布拉德·兰弗洛 Brad Renfro 饰)是一名11岁的少年,一日,年幼的他目睹了一个男人自杀的全过程,在死前,男人告诉了马克一个惊天秘密。受惊的马克随即接受了警方的盘问,但对于那个不能说的秘密,马克选择了守口如瓶。可即便如此,马克还是被和黑手党暗中勾结的联邦检察官福特里格(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)给盯上了,后者向马克提出了控诉。 <br />   马克雇佣了精明的女律师洛芙(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)为其辩护,在两人的联手之下,他们破获了福特里格的阴谋并得到了证据。可是福特里格并没有善罢甘休,而是暗中向马克发起了更为卑鄙的攻击。马克全家人的命运都握在了洛芙的手中,面对压倒性的权利,洛芙能够获得最终的胜利吗?

Mark Sway is an 11 year old boy who lives with his mother and brother in a trailer. One day he and his brother are hanging out when a car pulls over beside them. The driver then sticks a hose in his exhaust and puts the other end into the car. Mark pulls it out. But the man sees him and grabs him and takes inside the car. The man talks to Mark then later shoots himself. The shock sends Mark's brother into a catatonic state. The police question him and slips out some stuff that makes them think he's saying more than he knows. Roy Foltrigg, a prosecutor with political ambitions tells Mark he wants to talk to him tomorrow. Mark feeling that he needs a lawyer, sees Reggie Love. Mark tells her about the man who killed himself. Reggie tells him he's a mob lawyer. And one of his clients is a member of a mob family who is suspected of killing a Senator who was trying to take down his family. But because the Senator's body is missing, they can't prosecute him. Reggie thinks Foltrigg thinks the lawyer told Mark where the body is which is why he wants to speak to him. Mark goes to meet Roy and when he threatens him, Mark steps out then Reggie comes in with a recording of his conversation with Mark telling him that made several violations. In the meantime, the mobster is told by the head of the family to take care of Mark. So he threatens Mark. Mark doesn't know what to do and learns that Reggie has some secrets of her own and is uncertain if he can trust her.

brad renfro。法制,我们还差得远。。。。仅说Brad Renfro。Brad Renfro 让我哀伤三天三夜的少年。不是影评,只是感受。曾经爱过的美少年。有制度有保障才有真话 --《终极证人/委托人》。时尚是个圈。少年得智——so beautiful。就是这部电影我知道了Brad Renfro。



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