The Day After Tomarrow (2004)

后天 2004/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2017-04-14 来源:本站编辑
The Day After Tomorrow
明日之后(港) / 明日过后(台) / 末日浩劫 / 末日世界
罗兰·艾默里奇 Roland Emmerich
丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid/杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal/埃米·罗森 Emmy Rossum/达什·米霍克 Dash Mihok/杰伊·桑德斯 Jay O. Sanders/雪拉·渥德 Sela Ward/奥斯汀·尼可斯 Austin Nichols/阿尔杰·史密斯 Arjay Smith/富田谭玲 Tamlyn Tomita/萨沙·罗伊茨 Sasha Roiz/伊安·霍姆 Ian Holm/肯尼斯·威尔什 Kenneth Welsh/Robin Wilcock/Jason Blicker/Kenneth Moskow/Tim Hamaguchi/格伦·普拉默 Glenn Plummer/艾德里安·莱斯特 Adrian Lester/Richard McMillan/内斯特·塞拉诺 Nestor Serrano/Chris Britton/瓦拉斯塔·瓦拉纳 Vlasta Vrana/Pauline Little/Alan Fawcett/Howard Bilerman/John Maclaren/Richard Zeman/佩里·金 Perry King/弗兰克·方丹 Frank Fontaine/Mimi Kuzyk/Vitali Makarov/袁罗素 Russell Yuen/蒂姆·巴格莱 Tim Bagley/查克·沙曼塔 Chuck Shamata/Phillip Jarrett/Ayana O'Shun/Tony Calabretta/薇安·温特 Vivian Winther/希拉·麦卡锡 Sheila McCarthy/Tom Rooney/艾米·斯洛安 Amy Sloan/Marylou Belugou/Karen Glave/Christian Tessier/乔·柯布登 Joe Cobden/Caroline Keenan/阿隆·鲁斯汀 Aaron Lustig/Sam Woods/Jack Laufer/Luke Letourneau/Anne Day-Jones/Emanuel Hoss-Desmarais/Terry Simpson/José Ramón Rosario
2004-05-28(中国大陆/美国) / 2004-05-17(墨西哥城首映)
英语 / 日语 / 法语 / 阿拉伯语 / 西班牙语
美国气候学家杰克(丹尼斯•奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)认为,温室效应正在引发地球的大灾难,北极冰川的融化,会让地球回到冰河世纪那样的劫难。他的提醒并没有引起美国当局的重视,一切都已经太晚:飓风、冰雹、洪水、冰山融化、极度严寒,一系列

后天的剧情介绍,美国气候学家杰克(丹尼斯•奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)认为,温室效应正在引发地球的大灾难,北极冰川的融化,会让地球回到冰河世纪那样的劫难。他的提醒并没有引起美国当局的重视,一切都已经太晚:飓风、冰雹、洪水、冰山融化、极度严寒,一系列的地球巨变引发了一场不可挽救的灾难。美国政府组织北纬30度的民众转移到赤道周围,场面一片混乱。更糟糕的是,杰克的儿子,正困在曼哈顿的图书馆里,靠烧书生火来维持体温。大家怎样才能逃过这场灭顶的灾祸?冰天雪地的地球何时才能回暖?

As Paleoclimatologist named Jack Hall is in Antartica, he discovers that a huge ice sheet has sheared off. But what he does not know is that this event will trigger a massive climate shift that will affect the world population. Meanwhile, his son Sam is with friends in New York to attend an event. There they discover that it has been raining non-stop for the past 3 days, and after a series of weather-related disasters begin to occur over the world, everybody realizes the world is entering a new Ice Age and the world population begins trying to evacuate to the warmer climates of the south. Jack makes a daring attempt to rescue his son and his friends who are stuck in New York and who have managed to survive not only a massive wave but also freezing cold temperatures that could possibly kill them.




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