
乌云背后的幸福线 2012/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2017-04-11 来源:本站编辑
Silver Linings Playbook
失恋自作业(港) / 派特的幸福剧本(台) / 每朵乌云背后都有阳光 / 一线希望 / 闪开,让我拥抱幸福
2012-09-08(多伦多电影节) / 2012-12-25(美国)


Against medical advice and without the knowledge of her husband Pat Solatano Sr., caring Dolores Solatano discharges her adult son, Pat Solatano Jr., from a Maryland mental health institution after his minimum eight month court ordered stint. The condition of the release includes Pat Jr. moving back in with his parents in their Philadelphia home. Although Pat Jr.'s institutionalization was due to him beating up the lover of his wife Nikki, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Nikki has since left him and has received a restraining order against him. Although he is on medication (which he doesn't take because of the way it makes him feel) and has mandatory therapy sessions, Pat Jr. feels like he can manage on the outside solely by healthy living and looking for the "silver linings" in his life. His goals are to get his old job back as a substitute teacher, but more importantly reunite with Nikki. He finds there are certain instances where he doesn't cope well, however no less so than some others who have never been institutionalized, such as his Philadelphia Eagles obsessed father who has resorted to being a bookie to earn a living, his best friend Ronnie who quietly seethes over the control wielded by his wife Veronica, and Veronica's widowed sister, Tiffany Maxwell, a girl with problems of her own. In their fragile mental states, Pat Jr. and Tiffany embark on a love/hate friendship based primarily on what help the other can provide in achieving their individual goals. But they may reevaluate their goals as their relationship progresses.

这么巧你也是精神病啊。唯一与我疯狂匹配的方法。谈谈情跳跳舞,治疗精神病。自从得了神经病,我觉得整个人都精神多了。部分台词 细节。Chick, Hysterical, Flick。What is normal?。如果有愛,一切也許不是那麼難。两个缺心眼的爱情。Life Is Here。究竟什么才是那道“金边儿”,暨我为什么痛恨”正能量”。



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  本身生性开朗乐观的中学教师帕特(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)回家撞见老婆出轨后因精神创伤被父母送进医院进行精神治疗。出院后帕特回到父母家与父母同住,在父亲(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)与母亲(杰基·韦佛 Jacki Weaver 饰)的过度关怀下不免觉得压抑。一次聚会上帕特遇到了刚刚失去丈夫和工作的年轻女子蒂凡妮(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)。浑身是刺的蒂凡妮与帕特处处针锋相对,令帕特一开始唯恐避之不及。但随着两人接触的深入,帕特渐渐发现了蒂凡妮的动人之处,蒂凡妮也发现了帕特身上难以磨灭的乐观精神。蒂凡妮要求帕特与她共同练舞参加比赛,两人的关系开始向积极的方向改善。在舞蹈比赛的赛场,帕特终于找到了一生的所爱,而他与蒂凡妮的生活也拨开乌云重见阳光。   本片根据Matthew Quic...
两个疯子的爱情。JL瘦了,身材不要太好!虽然有些橄榄球的桥段很啰嗦我也没听懂多少,但是整体非常棒!Bradley连穿个垃圾袋都帅成这样是要逆天啊!女主一些台词挺不错。The only way to beat my crazy was by doing something even crazier. Thank you. I love you.
第一次感觉Jennifer Lawrence真心太神奇了。。。之前对她那点偏见都哪来的啊啊。。。最后的那段舞真的真的很神奇!!结尾铺垫不太够。。。
第一次去电影节,换句话说也是为了看这部电影才去的。今年看过的最好看的影片,没有之一。“Sometimes life can be fucked up, just stay in positive! you will have a shot at the silver linings! ”在电影面前人人平等!疯子也可以收获真爱!亲情+爱情+喜剧+励志+强大演员阵容=五星级影片!
