【自由字幕组】[铁臂阿童木][Astro Boy 鉄腕アトム][2003年DVD重制版][07][480P][繁体][mp4].mp4

自动机器人·铁臂阿童木 2003/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-10-20 来源:本站编辑
アストロボーイ 鉄腕アトム
ASTRO BOY 鉄腕アトム / Astro Boy tetsuwan atomu / Astro Boy: Mighty Atom
小中和哉 Kazuya Konaka
津村真琴 Makoto Tsumura/胜田久 Katsuta Hisashi/丸山美纪/川濑晶子/龙田直树 Naoki Tatsuta/富田耕生 Kousei Tomita/大和田伸也 Shin'ya Ôwada
根据手冢治虫在漫画中的设定,阿童木的生日在2003年4月7日。所以,在2003年4月,富士电视开始播放第三度重制的电视动画《自动机器人·铁臂阿童木》(アストロボー·鉄腕アトム) 。

自动机器人·铁臂阿童木的剧情介绍,根据手冢治虫在漫画中的设定,阿童木的生日在2003年4月7日。所以,在2003年4月,富士电视开始播放第三度重制的电视动画《自动机器人·铁臂阿童木》(アストロボー·鉄腕アトム) 。

Astro Boy tells the story of a youthful robot boy - Astro - modeled after the deceased son of a research scientist, Dr. Tenma. Originally intended to be kept a secret, the atomic-powered robot becomes a reluctant superhero who fights for justice and peace for humans and robots alike. Created in Metro City, he lives among a 'retro-futuristic' society populated by humans and robots. His creator Dr. Tenma, head of the Ministry of Science, builds Astro in his son's image. Astro never can fill the void that Dr. Tenma feels over the loss of his son. Tenma shuts down Astro, burns down the Ministry of Science and flees. Some time later, Astro is discovered by Dr. O'Shay, the new head of the Ministry. Dr. O'Shay takes in Astro and serves as his mentor. Driven by the belief that robots and humans should be friends, Dr. O'Shay is Astro's greatest ally. He provides Astro with a home, enrolls him in school and creates a robot family for him. Astro possesses superb strength, including jet-rocket feet and arms that allow him to fly at extreme speeds. However, the secret to his victories is not his super-powers; the quality that makes him superior to other robots is his artificial brain, the most advanced in the world. This unique quality, termed kokoro in Japanese, allows Astro to experience all of the same emotions as humans. He's clever, resourceful and has a strong sense of justice, always attempting to reason with his adversaries. Mankind's only hope of surviving the onslaught of rebellious robots is a robot himself...the fearless, selfless, incorruptible champion known as Astro. In his quest for peace and justice, Astro often goes it alone, but he is occasionally aided by his robot sister or even rebel robots that he is able to enlist. Astro also has human friends from school who often become entangled in his conflicts.

你就是你。这部动画真的只是你觉的那样?。我,机器人,一如眼泪在雨中。重温经典《铁壁阿童木 2003版》。记一段童年日常。童年×阿童木。



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  • 【自由字幕组】[铁臂阿童木][Astro Boy 鉄腕アトム][2003年DVD重制版][07][480P][繁体][mp4].mp4
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  • 125.1 MB