The Last Samurai (2003) BRRip Hindi Dubbed H.265 ~ (CPUL).mkv

最后的武士 2003/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-10-20 来源:本站编辑
The Last Samurai
最后武士(港) / 末代武士(台) / The Last Samurai: Bushidou
Edward Zwick
Tom Cruise/渡边谦/Timothy Spall/Billy Connolly/Tony Goldwyn/真田广之/小雪/原田真人
英语 / 日语
美国 / 新西兰 / 日本
美国内战结束的十年后,当年的南北战争英雄纳森(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom Cruise)因无所事事而终日酗酒。一次偶然的机会,他结识了来美做生意的日本商人。纳森的彪炳战绩令对方刮目相看。此时正值明治维新时期,日本天皇意欲训练一支现代化的作战部队,

最后的武士的剧情介绍,美国内战结束的十年后,当年的南北战争英雄纳森(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom Cruise)因无所事事而终日酗酒。一次偶然的机会,他结识了来美做生意的日本商人。纳森的彪炳战绩令对方刮目相看。此时正值明治维新时期,日本天皇意欲训练一支现代化的作战部队,于是纳森被请到了日本。 <br />   日本很多武士都不欢迎纳森的到来,他们坚决不肯抛弃传统的武士道精神,对将武士西化十分反感。他们在首领乌吉奥(真田广之 饰)的带领下举刀起义,躲到了一条偏僻的小山村自立为政。天皇大怒,派纳森率领他训练出来的现代化军队去围剿叛变武士。岂料皇军全军覆没,纳森亦成为了阶下囚……

In the 1870s, Captain Nathan Algren, a cynical veteran of the American Civil war who will work for anyone, is hired by Americans who want lucrative contracts with the Emperor of Japan to train the peasant conscripts for the first standing imperial army in modern warfare using firearms. The imperial Omura cabinet's first priority is to repress a rebellion of traditionalist Samurai -hereditary warriors- who remain devoted to the sacred dynasty but reject the Westernizing policy and even refuse firearms. Yet when his ill-prepared superior force sets out too soon, their panic allows the sword-wielding samurai to crush them. Badly wounded Algren's courageous stand makes the samurai leader Katsumoto spare his life; once nursed to health he learns to know and respect the old Japanese way, and participates as advisor in Katsumoto's failed attempt to save the Bushido tradition, but Omura gets repressive laws enacted- he must now choose to honor his loyalty to one of the embittered sides when the conflict returns to the battlefield...

侍。迟来的洗礼——《最后的武士》。日本禅宗与武士道。We can not forget who we are or where we come from!。《最后的武士》之“自白书”。《最后的武士》电影剧本。《最后的武士》——关乎友情、理想及其他。最后的信仰,最后的悲壮。用尽一生去坚守也是值得。随便扯扯。



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  • The Last Samurai (2003) BRRip Hindi Dubbed H.265 ~ (CPUL).mkv
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