Go, See, and Become (Va, vis et deviens) 2005

生命国界 2005/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-10-01 来源:本站编辑
Va, vis et deviens
緊握生命的希望 / Live and Become
Radu Mihaileanu
Yaël Abecassis/Roschdy Zem/Moshe Agazai/Moshe Abebe/Sirak M. Sabahat
法语 / 希伯来语 / 埃塞俄比亚语
法国 / 比利时 / 以色列 / 意大利


In 1980 the black Falashas in Ethiopia are recognised as genuine Jews. In turn they are secretly carried to Israel. The day before the transport the son of a Jewish mother dies. In his place and with his name (Schlomo) she takes a Christian 9-year-old boy. Upon arrival this second mother dies. Schlomo is adopted by a good family but remains depressed until he secretly sends a letter to his real mother. From the beginning he experiences large and small racist difficulties. In his teens he and Sarah fall in love. Her father is an extreme racist. Schlomo tries to gain "real Jewishness" by winning a competition in Bible interpretation. No change of Sarah's father's attitude. Disappointed he goes to the police and reports himself as not being a Jew. But the police officer just gives him a scolding. "The newspapers are full of that stuff, the Falashas are no Jews. Now they begin to believe it themselves." His adoptive parents send him to France to study medicine. When he afterwards marries Sarah she loses her family and her status as a "white Jew". But he dares not tell her the truth until she becomes pregnant. She leaves him, but only because he had not trusted that she would love him as much anyway. His adoptive mother reconciles them. Sarah's first line when she returns: "Unbelievable what three mothers would do for you." But she makes a condition for returning: Schlomo must meet his real mother again. As a doctor he takes a job in the Ethiopian fugitive camp where she is still alive.

生命·春芽。人类世界------牛奶和猪血的混合物。信仰和历史没有定论。痛苦之界(《生命国界》2005)。Go,See,and Become。Bubo映堂第六期 | “摩西行动”后,我们都曾很艰难地去靠近对方。生命。我拥有一刻钟的美好心灵——《生命国界》。爱,无国界。live and become。



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  • Go, See, and Become (Va, vis et deviens) 2005
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