The.Tudors.S04E01.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION - [ ]

都铎王朝 第四季 2010/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-09-21 来源:本站编辑
The Tudors
Dearbhla Walsh
Jonathan Rhys Meyers/Henry Cavill/Tamzin Merchant
美国 / 爱尔兰 / 加拿大

都铎王朝 第四季的剧情介绍,本季作为该剧的最终季,主要讲述乔纳森·里斯·迈耶斯扮演的亨利八世与其最后三任妻子的纠葛。华服与精美宫廷充分展现了那个时代的奢靡,风格上以性爱和尺度大胆而引人瞩目,步入而立之年的亨利八世愈加散发成熟沧桑魅力,他没有停下寻欢作乐,声色犬马的脚步,在第四季中为我们呈现了阴谋与欲望的矛盾巅峰。

Whitehall Palace, London 1540. Thirty years into the reign of King Henry VIII and it's been a long, hot summer: London is experiencing intense heat and there has been no rain for two months. But while his subjects wilt, the King's vigor remains undiminished. The Reformation goes on and Henry has just married the beautiful Catherine Howard, his fifth Queen, who is a mere seventeen years old. Catherine is different from earlier wives in more ways than age: far from being nobility she was 'discovered' by some of the King's friends in a boarding house for wayward young ladies. Joan Bulmer the new Queen's best friend from her youth, is hired as a lady in waiting; aside from her friendship she knows too much scandalous detail about Catherine's sexual past to be outside the court. The Queen's 'low' background combined with her youth and beauty, arouses a lusty familiarity in certain members of Henry's court. Most notably the King's handsome and ambitious new groom Thomas Culpepper, who makes no secret of his desire for the new Queen during an extended hunting trip visit by the royal entourage. Culpepper unleashes his sexual frustrations on an unfortunate local peasant woman whom he rapes and then murders her aggrieved husband. When the local Sheriff confronts Henry with these charges the King sides with his young courtier; protection he may come to regret.

戏论亨利八世众老婆与金瓶梅中众女角之对应。留不住的流年。Life is very beautiful。国王爱荡妇。Charles&Henry。追了四季的剧,还是小小纪念一下~。Time is the only thing that irrecoverable.。都铎王朝,回忆凯瑟琳霍华德。历史中所谓的香艳。腐腐的历史剧。



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都铎王朝 第四季
  • The.Tudors.S04E01.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION - [ ]
  • x264/720
  • 1.46 GB

    The.Tudors.S04E01.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION - [ ]
