Dark Souls Day - X-lives [2010 320kb MP3]

黑暗灵魂 2010/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-09-20 来源:本站编辑
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黑暗之魂 / Dark Souls
César Ducasse/Mathieu Peteul
Morten Rudå/Kyrre Haugen Sydness/Ida Elise Broch
挪威 / 法国
在一个晴朗的日子里,青春靓丽的女孩乔安娜·瑞文(Johanna Gustavsson 饰)独自慢跑,结果遭到传着工作服、带着防尘面具的疯狂男子的袭击。一番徒劳的抵抗过后,乔安娜最终被电钻钻破头颅身亡。不久之后,她的尸体被警方发现,随即送往法

黑暗灵魂的剧情介绍,在一个晴朗的日子里,青春靓丽的女孩乔安娜·瑞文(Johanna Gustavsson 饰)独自慢跑,结果遭到传着工作服、带着防尘面具的疯狂男子的袭击。一番徒劳的抵抗过后,乔安娜最终被电钻钻破头颅身亡。不久之后,她的尸体被警方发现,随即送往法医处调查。可是,这个死亡良久的女孩竟然幽幽复活,并独自返回家中。乔安娜的父亲默顿(Morten Ruda 饰)并不知道女儿今天的遭遇,直到看见乔安娜露出怎样恐怖的面容才大为震惊。 <br />   在接下来的日子里,类似钻头案件不断发生,而且遇害者无一例外都活转过来,却已变成毫无知觉的活死人。默顿拒绝让女儿接受治疗,而是开始独自踏上寻找凶手的道路……

A young girl, Johanna Ravn, is jogging in the woods, when she's suddenly attacked by a man in an orange jumpsuit. Her assailant drills a hole in her skull and leaves her for dead. When the police calls Johanna's father, Morten Ravn, to ask him to identify his daughter's body in the morgue, he tells them that she has just walked in and is sitting in front of her PC... But there's something wrong with Johanna. Black oil is flowing from her eyes and the only message she's able to type on her screen is one long cry for help. And she's not alone. All over town, people are attacked by men in orange jumpsuits with electrical drills. The victims all suffer from the same symptoms, with their bodies slowly disintegrating in front of their loved ones. Frustrated with the lack of results from the local police, Morten takes it on himself to investigate the attacks and tracks the killer back to his hideout in secluded manufacturing plant where he begins to uncover the secrets behind the assaults and piece together the mysteries surrounding the killer. -The ruthless greed and ecological devastation of the oil industry form the backdrop to DARK SOULS, a satirical and stylish horror which uses homage as a springboard for its original take on the genre.




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  • Dark Souls Day - X-lives [2010 320kb MP3]
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