Amarcord (1973) [BDRip720p-Ita-Eng][Nautilus-BT]

阿玛柯德 1973/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
我记得 / 想当年(港) / 阿玛珂德(台) / 当年事 / 童年事,我记得 / 我记得,想当年 / 我的回忆 / I Remember
普佩拉·玛奇奥/阿尔曼多·布兰恰/玛加莉·诺埃尔/奇乔·因格拉西亚/南多·奥尔费伊/Luigi Rossi/布鲁诺·扎宁/吉安菲利波·卡尔卡诺/约瑟琳·坦齐利/玛利亚·安东涅塔·贝卢齐/Giuseppe Ianigro/Ferruccio Brembilla/Antonino Faa Di Bruno/Mauro Misul/Ferdinando Villella/Aristide Caporale/阿尔瓦罗·维塔利/多纳泰拉·甘比尼/Dina Adorni/保罗·巴罗尼/布鲁诺·贝托奇/Marcello Bonini Olas/Dante Cleri/Mario Del Vago/弗朗西斯科·马塞利/Eros Ramazzotti/菲德斯·斯塔尼
意大利语 / 古希腊语
意大利 / 法国

◎导演◎ 费德里科·费里尼 Federico Fellini

◎编剧◎ 费德里科·费里尼 Federico Fellini/托尼·诺格拉 Tonino Guerra

◎主演◎ Pupella Maggio / Armando Brancia / 玛加丽·诺尔 Magali Noël / 西乔·英格拉西亚 Ciccio Ingrassia / Nando Orfei / Bruno Zanin / Gianfilippo Carcano / Josiane Tanzilli / Maria Antonietta Beluzzi


One year in a small northern Italian coastal town in the late 1930s is presented. The slightly off-kilter cast of characters are affected by time and location, the social mores dictated largely by Catholicism and the national fervor surrounding Il Duce aka Benito Mussolini and Fascism. The stories loosely center on a mid-teen named Titta and his household including his adolescent brother, his ever supportive mother who is always defending him against his father, his freeloading maternal Uncle Lallo, and his paternal grandfather who slyly has eyes and hands for the household maid. Other townsfolk include: Gradisca, the town beauty, who can probably have any man she wants, but generally has no one as most think she out of their league; Volpina, the prostitute; Giudizio, the historian; a blind accordionist; and an extremely buxom tobacconist. The several vignettes presented include: the town bonfire in celebration of spring; life at Titta's school with his classmates and teachers; Aurelio, Titta's father, at his beachfront construction worksite and his and his workmates' encounter with Volpina; Titta's confessions to the priest about his burgeoning sexuality; Aurelio being questioned by authorities about his anti-Fascist leanings; a fantasy sequence at the luxurious Grand Hotel; a family outing with Aurelio's institutionalized brother, Teo; many townsfolk embarking on a sail to witness a marine event passing by their town; an annual car race; Titta's fantasy encounter with the tobacconist after closing hours come true; events surrounding the big snowfall that year, including a family tragedy; and an event centering on Gradisca and her future.

【图文影记】费里尼的世界故乡:粗俗与诗性共融。往昔是雾气里的一头牛。非理性情境下追忆不再的乡愁。浅浅的哀愁、甜蜜的回忆——当年事。我记得,想当年。《导演说》之《阿玛柯德》。《阿玛柯德》:在精神情感折射出的乡愁中 拆解费里尼的影像主题。现实和戏剧之间的薄雾。于坚的评论:《棕皮手记:故乡费里尼》。《阿玛柯德》:我记得,想当年。



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