
边域之城 2007/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-04 来源:本站编辑
边界血路 / 血眼 / 边界 / Frontier(s)
Xavier Gens
Karina Testa/Aurélien Wiik/Patrick Ligardes/Samuel Le Bihan/Estelle Lefébure
法语 / 德语
法国 / 瑞士
法国巴黎,右翼选举如火如荼,不同派别相互攻讦,城中一片混乱。亚利克斯(Aurélien Wiik 饰)、汤姆(David Saracino 饰)、法瑞德(Chems Dahmani 饰)、赛米(Adel Bencherif 饰)和亚丝敏(K

边域之城的剧情介绍,法国巴黎,右翼选举如火如荼,不同派别相互攻讦,城中一片混乱。亚利克斯(Aurélien Wiik 饰)、汤姆(David Saracino 饰)、法瑞德(Chems Dahmani 饰)、赛米(Adel Bencherif 饰)和亚丝敏(Karina Testa 饰)是一伙年轻的穆斯林劫匪,他们趁乱抢得一笔钱,计划携款逃往阿姆斯特丹。逃往途中,赛米中弹,其余四人分成两伙逃亡。 <br />   汤姆和法瑞德逃到位于国境线附近某偏僻森林的旅馆中,性感耀眼的姬尔波特(Estelle Lefébure 饰)和克罗蒂娅(Amélie Daure 饰)令二人醉倒温柔乡,乐不思蜀。不久,失散的亚力克斯等人赶来会合,却发现他们陷入一个新纳粹分子的血腥屠杀营……

In Paris, during the riots due to the election of a conservative candidate to the presidency of France, a group of four muslim small-time criminal teenagers from the periphery; Alex, Tom, Farid, the pregnant Yasmine, and her brother Sami, plan to run away from Paris to Amsterdam with a bag full of robbed money. However, Sami is shot and the group split up, with Alex and Yasmine going to the emergency hospital with Sami while Tom and Farid head to the border with the money. Tom and Farid decide to stop in a bed and breakfast nearby the frontier, and are hosted by Gilberte and Klaudia that offer free room and sex to the newcomers. They call Alex and Yasmine who are fleeing from Paris to join them in the inn. But soon they discover that their hosts are sadistic cannibals of a Nazi family led by the deranged patriarch and former SS officer and Nazi war criminal Le Von Geisler who plans to make Yasmine the brood mare for a new Aryan master race.




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