
瓦嘉达 2012/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2016-07-10 来源:本站编辑
骑单车的女孩 / 脚踏车大作战(台) / Wadjda
2012-08-31(威尼斯电影节) / 2013-09-05(德国)
沙特阿拉伯 / 德国 / 荷兰 / 约旦 / 阿联酋 / 美国
生活在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得郊区的十岁小女孩瓦嘉达(瓦德·穆罕默德 Waad Mohammed 饰),性格乐观开朗,活力四射。虽然她生活的环境传统保守,但小瓦嘉达不仅穿被老师明令禁止的牛仔裤板鞋,还热衷听摇滚乐。一日,瓦嘉达和邻家男孩阿布杜拉

◎导演◎ 海法·曼苏尔 Haifaa Al-Mansour

◎编剧◎ 海法·曼苏尔 Haifaa Al-Mansour

◎主演◎ 瓦德·穆罕默德 Waad Mohammed / 里姆·阿卜杜拉 Reem Abdullah / 阿卜杜拉曼·勾汉尼 Abdullrahman Al Gohani / 阿德 Ahd / 苏丹·阿萨夫 Sultan Al Assaf / 阿拉努·萨吉尼 Alanoud Sajini / 拉法·萨尼 Rafa Al Sanea / 达娜·阿卜杜里拉 Dana Abdullilah / 雷哈卜·阿迈德 Rehab Ahmed / 诺芙·萨德 Nouf Saad / 易卜拉欣·莫泽尔 Ibrahim Almozael / 穆罕默德·萨希尔 Mohammed Zahir / 萨拉·贾比尔 Sara Aljaber

瓦嘉达的剧情介绍,生活在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得郊区的十岁小女孩瓦嘉达(瓦德·穆罕默德 Waad Mohammed 饰),性格乐观开朗,活力四射。虽然她生活的环境传统保守,但小瓦嘉达不仅穿被老师明令禁止的牛仔裤板鞋,还热衷听摇滚乐。一日,瓦嘉达和邻家男孩阿布杜拉(Abdullrahman Al Gohani 饰)打了一架后,刚巧看见一辆崭新的绿色自行车正在售卖。从此,瓦嘉达满脑子都是这两漂亮洋气的自行车,梦想有一天能买下它跟阿布杜拉来一场比赛。然而瓦嘉达的妈妈(黎姆·阿杜拉 Reem Abdullah 饰)却极力反对这件事。因为根据瓦哈比派的教义,女性是不允许骑自行车的,特别是未婚少女。倔强的瓦嘉达只得偷偷的想办法自己筹钱。她在学校努力贩卖自制的小商品,又报名参加了自己一无所知的可兰经有奖背诵比赛。然而社会约束和宗教束缚却始终阻碍着瓦嘉达,难道她就只能屈服于现实么?

WADJDA is a 10-year-old girl living in a suburb of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. Although she lives in a conservative world, Wadjda is fun loving, entrepreneurial and always pushing the boundaries of what she can get away with. After a fight with her friend Abdullah, a neighborhood boy she shouldn't be playing with, Wadjda sees a beautiful green bicycle for sale. She wants the bicycle desperately so that she can beat Abdullah in a race. But Wadjda's mother won't allow it, fearing repercussions from a society that sees bicycles as dangerous to a girl's virtue. So Wadjda decides to try and raise the money herself. At first, Wadjda's mother is too preoccupied with convincing her husband not to take a second wife to realize what's going on. And soon enough Wadjda's plans are thwarted when she is caught running various schemes at school. Just as she is losing hope of raising enough money, she hears of a cash prize for a Koran recitation competition at her school. She devotes herself to the memorization and recitation of Koranic verses, and her teachers begin to see Wadjda as a model pious girl. The competition isn't going to be easy, especially for a troublemaker like Wadjda, but she refuses to give in. She is determined to continue fighting for her dreams...




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  • Wadjda.2012.BDRip.Rus.mkv
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  • 700.0 MB