
寂静太阳年 1984/[BT下载/迅雷下载]

发布时间:2022-08-27 来源:本站编辑
Rok spokojnego słońca
和平阳光的年代 / Rok spokojnego slonca / A Year of the Quiet Sun
Krzysztof Zanussi
Scott Wilson/Maja Komorowska/Hanna Skarzanka/Ewa Dalkowska
1984-09(威尼斯电影节) / 1985-02-25(波兰)
英语 / 波兰语
波兰 / 意大利 / 西德
故事发生在1946年的波兰,美国大兵诺曼(斯科特·威尔森 Scott Wilson 饰)邂逅了波兰寡妇艾米莉亚(玛雅·歌摩劳斯嘉 Maja Komorowska 饰),在动荡的时代大背景下,两颗孤独的心越走越近。虽然两人语言不通,但是通过眼

寂静太阳年的剧情介绍,故事发生在1946年的波兰,美国大兵诺曼(斯科特·威尔森 Scott Wilson 饰)邂逅了波兰寡妇艾米莉亚(玛雅·歌摩劳斯嘉 Maja Komorowska 饰),在动荡的时代大背景下,两颗孤独的心越走越近。虽然两人语言不通,但是通过眼神,通过动作,他们知道对方都深深的坠入了爱河之中。 <br />   然而,艾米莉亚却并不能离开波兰,因为她还有年迈的老母亲在这里需要照顾。为了让女儿自由,艾米莉亚的母亲了结了自己的性命,可是,当诺曼想要带她走的时候,她还是拒绝了他。一晃眼几十年过去,艾米莉亚已经成为了一名老妪,一天,她收到了一封神秘的信件,让她前往美国。

Shortly after WWII an American soldier (Norman) and a Polish refugee (Emilia) fall in deep love. Eventually he will return to USA and both expect that she will soon follow him. Emilia's mother is sick but would recover by available medicine. Somehow the mother but not Emilia knows that there will only be one ticket. Realising that Emilia would never abandon her, the mother secretly throws away the daily doses given her by Emilia - and dies. Somehow Emilia discovers her mother's sacrifice and refuses to benefit from it. She gives the ticket to a female friend and retreats to a cloister, living like the nuns except not wearing their dress and not having given a promise to stay forever. For decades she will apparently live in peace. Then a nun tells her that Norman has died and has bequeathed his fortune to Emilia. The nun suggests that Emilia gives the money to the cloister. But from that moment Emilia's religious devotion flies away. She only thinks of going as speedily as possible to America to see Norman's grave.

FIFF17丨DAY2《寂静太阳年》:我灼黑的心与揉碎的爱情。《寂靜太陽年》:寂寞元年,我們夢中見。宛如幻象的旅程。《寂静太阳年》:谁能照耀战争的阴郁。沉寂。迷惘的太阳,照射不到生活在阴沟里的穷人。上帝之光照射不到希望。被爱借用的身体。扎努西:两个世界,尽性知命。太忽悠了。《寂静太阳年(Rok spokojnego slonca)》:无语的爱情【第41届威尼斯电影节金狮奖】。



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寂静太阳年 A.Year.of.the.Quiet.Sun.1984.POLISH.1080p.BluRay.x264.DD2.0-HANDJOB 9.02GB
  • a.year.of.the.quiet.sun.1984.polish.1080p.bluray.x264.dd2.0-handjob
  • x264/1080
  • 9.02 GB


  • Rok.spokojnego.slonca.AKA.A.Year.of.the.Quiet.Sun.1984.1080p.BluRay.x264-HANDJOB.mkv(9.02 GB)